Our Logo


Our logo is meant to be an affirming mark of assurance for a product’s dedication to having only natural ingredients, —no gmos, and no high fructose corn syrup. We pursue companies who want to promote healthy living and healthy environments through these high standards of ingredients. When you see our logo, you know you can trust what’s inside.

So over the next few months, we will be searching for companies who recognize the value of our logo, and want to partner with us. We want to be a support to those who are promoting similar values. The marketplace is inundated with artificial ingredients. We are here to help consumers such as yourself find relief from the potential harm from these synthetic, overly-processed ingredients that many companies still use.

The journey to healthier living is a journey that is well worth taking. Awareness and learning can add to our well being, to our time with friends and family, and to a healthier Planet. Thank you for journeying with us!

Kurt Sutherland Kurt Sutherland


Have you ever spent time at the grocery store looking through ingredients labels trying to figure out if a product is good for you or not? We have too.

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We’ve made a few striking color additions to our logo which we hope to post before long.

Also we are excited to see growing interest in the natural products world. Awareness is growing.