Assuring Natural Ingredients

We help you find brands that eliminate artificial

Colors, Resins, Additives, Preservatives

from our foods, beverages, and topicals.

What is No Artificial C.R.A.P. ?

Many brands put fake, un-natural, artificial ingredients in their food, beverage, and topical products, including artificial Colors, Resins, Additives, and Preservatives. 

We help people know, find, and become aware of products that promote healthful living. We do this by certifying products that are free from Artificial C.R.A.P. and by licensing our logo for use on their products.

We only certify products that are free from artificial:

  • Colors
  • Resins
  • Additives
  • Preservatives
  • Colors
  • Resins
  • Additives
  • Preservatives

Look for our logo on products at a store near you!

Drinks and Beverages

Drinks and Beverages

Products and Foods

Foods and Topicals

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We help people know, find, and become aware of products that promote healthful living. We do this by certifying small business products that are free from Artificial C.R.A.P. , and licensing our logo for use on their products.

We also post on our Instagram and Facebook accounts to help people learn more about Natural Living, and avoiding the Artificial C.R.A.P. that so many companies unnecessarily put into their products.


Facebook: No Artificial Crap

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